2020 in review (or what there was of it...)

This was truly the year that never was.
In fact, I only ventured out with the camera once, in September, to nearby Portland Bill, specifically to photograph Pulpit Rock, a stack that was once an arch before quarrying left it standing alone, with the iconic slab leaning up against it, supposedly to to have the appearance of an open bible leaning on a pulpit.

To get to this location requires a bit of scrambling over various bits of rock, but the view is great and you get a real good look at that leaning slab. I did have to wait for the inevitable tourists to move out of the way, but eventually I got some clear time to photograph it as the sun started going down.
This shot is actually a re-edit I did when writing this blog. The original image I picked was cropped differently and was a long exposure, but upon looking back, I actually prefer this image. I reprocessed it using Luminar and cropped it differently to how I did my other one and much prefer this image.
Here's the one I originally chose.

Its much more muted and whilst I normally always go for the long exposures, a couple of years have made me change my mind. Funny how that works. Always worth going back over old images!